Celebrations & Awards

As a Rights Respecting Level 2 School, we believe that your child should feel safe, happy, confident and secure whilst in school, both in the classroom and on the playground.  We want your child to develop positive attitudes about themselves, others and towards their learning.

We have developed class charters with the children outlining the rights that the children feel everyone in the class need to have in order to reach their optimum potential, with regards to their scoial, emotional and academic experience and achievement.  Alongside these rights, as a class, the children have decided on the responsiblity each class member needs to take in order for everyone's rights to be respected.

The charters cover all aspects of behaviour within the classroom and the outside envioronment areas.  We believe that it is vital that the children are rewarded for behaving appropriately and for respecting themselves and each other.  At Harrison we have the following rewards:-

Verbal and Written Praise

All class teachers reward their children verbally during the school day and also through the positive comments written on their schoolwork.

Stickers or Points

All class teachers have within their classrooms a system of stickers or points. These can be earned by children if they have done something well such as answered a question correctly or been helpful.


Children across the school work towards earning merits for displaying positive behaviours towards others and around the school as well as for academic achievements. There are different levels of achievement within Merits: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

Positive Letters Home from their Year Leader

If a child has done a particularly good piece of work, answered a question well or cooperatively worked with their peers then they will be sent to their Year Leader. Their Year Leader will then present them with a positive letter that notes their achievement and which they will be able to take home and share with their parents.

Certificates & Assemblies

A variety of different types of certificates are presented to children during assembly time on Fridays. These are often merit certificates, WOW certificates for Reception children, cycling proficiency and music. These individuals sit at the front of the hall and are presented with their certificate by the Headteacher or Deputy.

Each year group in turn also has the opportunity to share particularly great pieces of work or information with the rest of the school during a celebration assembly.

Positive Telephone calls home from either the Headteacher or Deputy

A child can be sent to either the Headteacher or Deputy to be praised for a particularly outstanding achievement. The Headteacher or Deputy will then telephone the child's parents to inform them of their child's achievement.

Every child has the opportunity and potential to achieve these regularly. At Harrison we celebrate achievement, effort and good behaviour and use it as a role model for other pupils.