Harrison Learning Tree
We believe that all children should feel safe, happy and secure in school at all times. We want all children to develop positive attitudes about themselves, others and towards their learning. Our policy is very much based on positive expectations. The Harrison Learning Tree underpins all we do – our focus on citizenship, attitudes to learning, responsibility and excellence provides a structure by which children and staff can understand themselves as learners and become more responsible for their attitudes to learning and behaviour so that they become genuine ‘Lifelong learners, with open minds’.
Our five Values: Collaboration, Honesty, Equality, Respect and Responsibility are shared by the whole community; these are explicitly taught to give pupils an understanding of positive relationships and self-regulation, respect for others and the importance of a sense of community where everyone is valued and respected for the contribution that they make.
Each class has developed a ‘Class Charter’ linked to the rights & responsibilities of everyone in school. These reflect our whole school expected attitudes to learning and behaviour of:
- Citizenship – For example: Setting a good example to others, especially those younger than ourselves, treating everybody in our school with courtesy and respect
- Attitude to learning – For example: determination to challenge oneself and focus on a task
- Responsibility – For example: being organised and making the right choices
- Excellence – for example: completing a task to a high standard, mastering a new skill, and the ideal that we will try our best in all that we do and will ask for help if we need it.
Daily deliberate teaching of habits of mind, personal and social skills and learning behaviours needed for 'Lifelong learning' ensures that children learn and understand our expectations. The Harrison Learning Tree provides a model for all children which clearly outlines the behaviours and attitudes that children need.