Visions and Aims
At our school all children will be taken on a journey of exploration which is challenging, creative and develops the delight to solve life's puzzles.
The 'Harrison Learning Tree' underpins all we do - our focus on excellence, attitudes to learning, responsibility and understanding our roles as citizens provide a structure by which children and staff can understand themselves as learners and become more responsible for their attitudes to learning and behaviour.
Our curriculum is underpinned by the Harrison Learning Tree and our Values: Collaboration, Honesty, Equality, Respect and Responsibility, and which are shared by the whole community. Pupil voice is embedded across the curriculum - each year group has the responsibility for an area of improvement.
At Harrison Primary School we aim to give all children the right to:
- achieve excellent high standards and develop high levels of motivation for learning
- enjoy learning, be challenged and excited by it
- improve on their previous best
- develop high expectations of their own learning and behaviour
- value, support and respect each other
- allow all to take responsibility for providing a safe and secure environment
- develop their own voice and make positive contributions to school life
We aim to:
- celebrate all children's success
- promote positive self-esteem and well being
- create an engaging, challenging and enjoyable learning ethos
- promote the language of use of rights, respect and responsibility
- strengthen partnerships between school, home and community
- keep all stakeholders involved, engaged and informed
- establish a learning programme that incorporates all aspects of the National Curriculum, including the children's social, moral, cultural and spiritual education.
The United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child is at heart of our school and thus underpins our ethos, curriculum, attitudes, learning behaviours and class management. We strive for continuous improvement and excellence in our provision to ensure that all children have the best possible future.