Junior Road Safety Officers
At Harrison, we take children's safety very seriously. Our school participates in the Junior Road Safety Officer Scheme (JRSOs) lead by Hampshire County Council's road safety team.
We have JRSOs in year 6 who meet regularly with Mrs Scott, our Healthy Schools Lead, and Mrs Gmitrowicz, Head teacher. Our JRSOs are Lylah-May, Kinan, Greta, Joseph, Selena and Myalei. Elections for new JRSOs will take place in the Spring term 2024.
Our JRSOs promote road safety awareness to all the pupils in our school and their families. They hold JRSO assemblies, organise “Be Bright be Seen” non-uniform days, send messages home via leaflets, measure children on our playground height chart, contribute to the class blog, communicate via our school radio station, help with school fayres, have articles featured in the monthly newsletter to parents, launch road safety competitions and oversee Walk to School Week.
Working closely with Sustrans, the charity that works to create and improve walking, wheeling and cycling routes across the UK and Ireland, our JRSOs have recently judged our 'Be Bright Be Seen' winners from each class and identified the brightest bikes and scooters in each year group in our 'Bling Your Ride' competition.
Jon Clode from Sustrans is working with our school team to promote our School Streets Scheme, encourage 'park and stride' and safe travel to school - scooting, walking and cycling. He recently hosted 'cycle surgeries' to help our children to keep safe on their way to school.
Our JRSOs lead our 'Be Bright Be Seen Week' assemblies this term. For further information, please see their presentation below: