Medically Identified Special Diets

Does your child need a medical special diet to eat lunch at school?

HC3S has a dedicated special diet team that supports parents with special diet queries for their child. They create menus for children who are registered with HC3S as having a food allergy or intolerance and who want to have a school meal.

Whilst we want all children to enjoy eating lunch at school, special diets are not provided for pupils who have a dislike of certain food. That’s why they require medical evidence that confirms your child’s medical allergy or intolerance. HC3S then work with a dietitian to produce specific diets to ensure food is suitable. Products used in these diets are never substituted.

If your child is due to start school in September you should register for a special diet menu by 16th June. Simply create an account and upload your medical evidence.

For parents with children already at school who require a medical special diet, please create an account and upload your medical evidence. Please note there is a 10-day turnaround.

In either case parents will need to supply a packed lunch until their child's menu is available.

Once you have created your account, HC3S will be able to review your medical evidence with their in-house nutritionist in order to devise an adapted menu for your child's school lunch.

You can then manage your account quickly, safely and conveniently online.  It only takes a few minutes and once you have registered you can see your child's individual menu and update medical evidence details whenever you need to.  HC3S will also be able to send you updates when your child's new menus are created.

If you have any queries please contact the HC3S team on 023 8062 9388, or email and one of the team will be happy to help you during office hours.