Sports Premium

Sport Pupil Premium Information – September 2021 - August 2022

Since 2013, the Government has provided additional funding to all primary schools to support them to improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils.

Schools are free to decide how to use this money but it should be spent carefully to ensure sustainable provision and maximum impact. The school should also prioritise the provision of varied and diverse sporting opportunities for children.

During the academic year of 2021-22 the PE premium has been allocated to be spent on the following areas to develop PE at Harrison Primary School.

  • Employment of PE specialist teacher to organise and develop lessons alongside staff in the planning and delivery of PE lessons.
  • Continued increase of lunchtime sport provision from specialist coaches and sports teacher.
  • Before and after school sport clubs 
  • Replacing, updating and increasing amount of equipment.
  • New orienteering map and lessons developed for year 2 - 6.

For the academic year 2014-15 additional sports funding was £11,085

For the academic year 2015-16 additional sports funding was £10,657

For the academic year 2016-17 additional sports funding was £10,300

For the academic year 2017-18 additional sports funding was £22,260

For the academic year 2018-19 additional sports funding was £21,380

For the academic year 2019-20 additional sports funding was £21,380

For the academic year 2020-21 additional sports funding was £21,363 

For the academic year 2021-22 additional sports funding was £21,320

For the academic year 2022-23 additional sports funding was £23,360

For the academic year 2023-24 additional sports funding was £21,390

For more information please contact Steve Cole - Sports Lead, via

GOV.UK - PE and sport premium for primary schools.