Applying for a Year 7 space for September 2025

If your child is currently in Year 6 of a primary or junior school, you will need to apply for a Year 7 place in a secondary school for September 2025.  

Applications open on Monday, 9th September 2024 and the deadline for applications will be Thursday, 31st October 2024.

To submit your application please visit:

You must apply to Hampshire County Council even if you wish to apply for schools in another local authority.

If you do not live in Hampshire (including Portsmouth and Southampton) you must apply through your home local authority.

School places are not allocated on a first come-first served basis.  All on-time applications will be considered together after the closing date 31st October 2024.

Making changes to an application

Before the deadline (31st October 2024)

Online applicants can log back into the online system and change their application. Parents who have applied on a paper application will need to complete a fresh application or apply online if they wish to make changes.  A new application received before the 31st October 2024 will supersede the previous one.

After the deadline and until 31st January 2025

Parents who submitted an on-time application can only change their application after the application deadline if there has been a significant change in their circumstances, for example a house move or a sibling has started at the school. In the case of a house move, the Hampshire website outlines what address evidence is required, depending on the type of move. Evidence of the change of circumstances will need
to be submitted to the Admissions Team by 3 January 2025. Evidence received after this date will not be considered until after the notification date (3 March 2025).

Making changes to an application

Application deadline: 31st October 2024

The national application deadline is Thursday 31 October 2024. The online application system will close at midnight on this date.  Parents wishing to submit a paper application to a Hampshire school should note that the deadline falls within the October half term break and will therefore need to do so before the end of the school day on Friday 25 October 2024.

Alternatively, paper forms can be posted to the Admissions Team or hand delivered to the Admissions Team’s office in Winchester by 5pm on Thursday 31 October. To ensure fairness to all, schools must enforce the deadline strictly.

Late Applications

Parents seeking to make a Year 7 application after the closing date (31 October 2024) must make a late application online at

If you have used the Education Online Portal before, you will be able to log in using the same e-mail address and password. Please check your details are up-to-date in the ‘My Account’ section of the portal before starting your school application.

If you have not used the online portal before, you will need to register by clicking on the ‘Register’ button and following the onscreen instructions. You will be sent an e-mail from the system containing a link to the log in screen. You will then be able to log in using your e-mail address and password.

National notification date for on-time applicants: Monday, 3rd March 2025

Online applicants Parents who applied online will be sent an email confirming the outcome of their application on 3rd March 2025. On line applicants will also be able to log into the online system to view the outcome. The email will invite parents to reply only if they no longer require the place.

Any applicants who did not provide an email address on their application will be sent a letter by second class post on 3rd March 2025.  Please allow 2 to 3 working days for your letter to arrive.

Notification dates for late applicants

Late applications received before 3 March 2025 will be considered on 13 March 2025, together with any unsuccessful on-time applicants, for any available places.This includes places declined by successful on-time applicants between 3 and 12 March. Priority will be given in accordance with the school’s published admission criteria. Applicants not offered places will be added to the waiting list when it is established on 14 March 2025.

Late applications received on or after 3 March 2025 will be considered from 14 March 2025 onwards.  The Admissions Team will send outcomes by email or by post to those applicants who did not provide an email address on their application.

The Admissions Team will continue to process late applications (i.e. make offers and refusals) throughout the summer term and summer holiday until 31st August 2025, except where the ranking of an application cannot be determined without contacting the school.

Waiting Lists

Waiting lists for oversubscribed schools will be established on 14 March 2025. Lists will include both on-time applicants and late applicants (whose applications were received before 3 March) who were refused a place and not offered a higher preference school. Late applications received on or after 3 March will be considered from 14 March in order of date of receipt.

Waiting lists will be ranked solely in accordance with the school’s admission criteria. Date of application and length of time on the list do not affect a child’s position on the list. Places that become available will be offered in strict waiting list order, by the Admissions Team, from 14 March 2025 until 31 August 2025.