Year R Pupils - Sept 24 Intake

16th April 2024


Dear Parent/Carer


On behalf of everyone at Harrison Primary School I would like to personally welcome you and your child to our school community.  We are thrilled to be able to offer your child/ren a space and look forward to meeting you in the coming months.

To confirm acceptance of your offer, between Tuesday 16th April and Tuesday 30th April 2024, please provide school with confirmation of your child’s date of birth (normally birth certificate or passport) and confirmation of the address used in your application by providing any two of the following:

  • a recent household bill showing both your name and the property address, e.g. gas, electricity water, council tax
  • a recent bank statement, credit card statement, store card statement (within the last three months) showing both your name and the property address
  • in the case of a house move, a solicitor’s letter confirming exchange of contracts or a signed tenancy agreement (usually for a 12 month period).

If you are having difficulty getting suitable evidence or no longer require your child’s place at this school, please let us know as soon as possible. If we do not hear from you by Tuesday 30th April 2024, your child’s place may be withdrawn.

The first important date for your diary is our ’Parent Induction Meeting’ on Thursday 23rd May at 6.30 pm. Prior to the meeting commencing, the Year R classrooms will be open to look around between 6.00 – 6.30 pm. Ideally this meeting is for parents only and will be an excellent opportunity to meet the Year R staff who will be working with your child, discuss the transition arrangements for the coming months and entry into full-time education.

We are very much looking forward to your child starting in Year R but in the interim, please do not hesitate to contact the school office should you have any queries whatsoever.

Yours sincerely



Executive Head Teacher

Harrison Primary School