School Library
Harrison Primary School works to promote reading for pleasure across the whole school community and the school library plays a vital role.
Stocked with over 8,000 books that are updated and replaced regularly, Harrison School Library is well worth a visit!
All children in year 1 to 6 have a weekly slot to visit the library under adult supervision where they have the opportunity to borrow and change their books on a weekly basis.
Children in year 1 and 2 can borrow one book for up to 3 weeks (renewed on a weekly basis)
Children in years 3 to 6 can borrow two books for up to 3 weeks (renewed on a weekly basis)
The children are taught from an early stage that they must take responsibility for the care of their library books; it's timely return or renewal and how to look after them. If a book becomes overdue (after 3 weeks), the children receive a weekly 'overdue reminder' (via the class teacher) to prompt the return and after this overdue letters will be sent home via your child . The children are offered plenty of opportunities to return the book. Unfortunately, if the book is not returned after a number of reminders we will need to charge for the lost book.
Any damaged books must also be replaced and therefore will be charged for.
Harrison Primary is pleased to inform you that all pupils have access to Sora, a virtual library where they can borrow eBooks, audiobooks, comics and magazines to read and listen to at home or at school.
It is a great resource and provides another way for the children to access books to read. Research has shown that reluctant readers find eBooks an attractive format to use.
This online library is provided by Hampshire School Library Service and can be accessed by any internet enabled device with a web browser or via an app on mobile devices, such as a phone or tablet.
All SLS eBooks, audiobooks, comics and magazines are age restricted into categories to ensure only the appropriate content can be viewed. On the app pupils will only be able to borrow the books appropriate to their age range.
Setting Up
Please click here to view a short video tutorial of how to set up and use Sora, or follow the instructions below:
1. Download the Sora app from Apple App Store or Google Play. If you are using a browser, navigate to Setup is only required once.
2.Enter the setup code: hampshiresls
3. Find our school in the dropdown list.
4. Login in using the individual pupils username and password. These details can be obtained from your class teacher.
5. Browse the 'Explore' tab to find and borrow a book.